United Miners - BET > Round

  • Pool Hashrate 23.67 GH/s
  • Network Hashrate 4.38 TH/s
  We've been creating this custom UI for you, it should be fully functional but if you find any issues please let us know :). We plan on updating as we go, but figured as we have a base it's a nice refreshing look. We're also open to suggestions so if you have any then please let us know! We plan to roll this out for mobile devices as well.

Round Statistics

Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 3,593 PPLNS Shares 483,920
Height 122,309 Estimated Shares 268,560
Amount 128 Target Variance 55.50 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 483,949
Difficulty 268559.73889862 Average Efficiency 55.49 %
Time 2020-08-14 09:21:40 Target Rounds 10
Shares 1,324,224 Seconds This Round 117,273
Finder Hotzenplotz Round Variance 273.65 %

Round Transactions

User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
anonymous 1,025,728 77.46 479,136 99.01 127.82 126.73460076
Hotzenplotz 11,264 0.85 4,784 0.99 116.22 1.26539924

Round Shares

Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 anonymous 1,025,728 304 0.03
2 thanhpro95hp 287,232 768 0.27
3 Hotzenplotz 11,264 16 0.14

PPLNS Round Shares

Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 anonymous 479,136 160 0.03
2 Hotzenplotz 4,784 16 0.33