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Welcome to our new pool :)

BetaCoin pool open today :), posted Jan 17, 2020 at 14:59

So the best  SHA256 coin is here :)


  • Betacoin (abbreviated BET) is a peer to peer decentralized currency based on latest Bitcoin open-source code
  • Classic SHA-256 Algo, Proof of Work
  • Block target: ~4 minutes (2.5x faster than Bitcoin)
  • Total coin supply: 32 million coin units (will be mined in ~6 years) + small per year supply.
  • Block reward 128 coins, halving every 126000 blocks (~1 year)
  • Fast difficulty adjustment - every 6 blocks difficulty changes plus or minus 1-2% from current network.
Pool will open later today, taking registrations now so sign up and get your workers ready.

We're aware the coin is already out, but we'll be adding a substantial amount of hashrate to the pool so we will have a good % of the network.

United-Miners Team.

* PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A SHA256 COIN LIKE BITCOIN - it is not profitable unless mining with ASIC devices! CPUs and GPUs will lose a lot of money!!