United Miners - MZC > Round

  • Pool Hashrate 1.31 TH/s
  • Network Hashrate 8.83 TH/s
  We are on the correct block chain and new wallet

Round Statistics

Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 6,096 PPLNS Shares 1,414,825
Height 127,593 Estimated Shares 152,027
Amount 1000 Target Variance 10.75 %
Confirmations 90 left Block Average 1,415,012
Difficulty 152027.16985891 Average Efficiency 10.74 %
Time 2020-08-15 02:21:45 Target Rounds 10
Shares 181,553 Seconds This Round 646
Finder anonymous Round Variance 12.83 %

Round Transactions

User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
anonymous 89,856 49.49 707,232 49.99 101.00 499.87166050
kolompar 33,808 18.62 248,359 17.55 94.27 175.54086560
anonymous 25,201 13.88 196,253 13.87 99.93 138.71165630
anonymous 22,107 12.18 183,278 12.95 106.39 129.54111360
dkminer 5,126 2.82 39,264 2.78 98.29 27.75211580
rogerh 4,797 2.64 34,647 2.45 92.68 24.48880190
anonymous 384 0.21 3,248 0.23 108.54 2.29568680
LittleFamilyMiners 160 0.09 1,744 0.12 139.87 1.23265940
Sensei 112 0.06 800 0.06 91.66 0.56544010

Round Shares

Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 anonymous 89,856 28,064 31.23
2 kolompar 33,808 126 0.37
3 anonymous 25,201 0 0.00
4 anonymous 22,107 480 2.17
5 dkminer 5,126 238 4.64
6 rogerh 4,797 106 2.21
7 anonymous 384 0 0.00
8 LittleFamilyMiners 160 0 0.00
9 Sensei 112 0 0.00

PPLNS Round Shares

Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 anonymous 707,232 339,120 47.95
2 kolompar 248,359 126 0.05
3 anonymous 196,253 712 0.36
4 anonymous 183,278 480 0.26
5 dkminer 39,264 476 1.21
6 rogerh 34,647 213 0.61
7 anonymous 3,248 16 0.49
8 LittleFamilyMiners 1,744 0 0.00
9 Sensei 800 0 0.00