Pool Hashrate 0.00 MH/s
Network Hashrate 0.00 GH/s
As you may know, Reddcoin has switched to a new algorithm called Proof-of-Stake-Velocity (PoSV). Mining Reddcoin directly is no longer possible. You have 30 days (03/09/2020) to withdraw your coins before the pool is closed.
Block Overview
Gen est. | Found | Valid | Orphan | Avg Diff | Shares est. | Shares | Percentage | Amount | Rate est. | |
all time | 278,020 | 20210 | 19932 | 278 | 30.6735 | 40067686604 | 41757705280 | 104.22% | 1580804155.585 | 7.27% |
last hour | 60 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00% | 0 | 0.00% |
last 24 hours | 1440 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00% | 0 | 0.00% |
last 7 days | 10080 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00% | 0 | 0.00% |
last 4 Weeks | 40320 | 1549 | 1528 | 21 | 108.5673 | 10871816971 | 11041865632 | 101.56% | 20300042.1332 | 3.84% |
last 12 Month | 483840 | 20210 | 19932 | 278 | 30.6735 | 40067686604 | 41757705280 | 104.22% | 1580804155.585 | 4.18% |
Round earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.
Last 20 Blocks Found
Block | Validity | Finder | Time | Difficulty | Amount | Expected Shares | PPLNS Shares | Actual Shares | Percentage |
260792 | Confirmed | raid5 | 02/08 18:15:55 | 129.34 | 12,500.00 | 8,476,627 | 10,255,360 | 5,303,440 | 62.57 |
260781 | Confirmed | anonymous | 02/08 18:01:11 | 129.39 | 12,500.00 | 8,479,569 | 10,515,504 | 4,836,624 | 57.04 |
260768 | Confirmed | slicko711 | 02/08 17:46:53 | 129.47 | 12,500.00 | 8,484,870 | 11,845,824 | 3,002,960 | 35.39 |
260760 | Confirmed | anonymous | 02/08 17:38:39 | 129.48 | 12,500.00 | 8,485,786 | 12,095,664 | 16,711,408 | 196.93 |
260719 | Confirmed | anonymous | 02/08 16:58:44 | 129.56 | 12,500.00 | 8,490,636 | 11,713,712 | 1,802,096 | 21.22 |
260716 | Confirmed | anonymous | 02/08 16:55:07 | 129.47 | 12,500.00 | 8,485,262 | 12,871,488 | 7,300,496 | 86.04 |
260710 | Confirmed | attom | 02/08 16:37:42 | 131.64 | 12,500.00 | 8,627,414 | 12,892,464 | 6,200,112 | 71.87 |
260703 | Confirmed | beechbum | 02/08 16:21:24 | 131.31 | 12,500.00 | 8,605,266 | 13,992,384 | 14,845,600 | 172.52 |
260665 | Confirmed | raid5 | 02/08 15:42:24 | 131.81 | 12,500.00 | 8,638,327 | 14,119,776 | 38,850,336 | 449.74 |
260556 | Confirmed | anonymous | 02/08 13:52:09 | 131.43 | 12,500.00 | 8,613,423 | 11,095,168 | 3,732,224 | 43.33 |
260548 | Confirmed | raid5 | 02/08 13:42:05 | 132.03 | 12,500.00 | 8,652,875 | 12,550,640 | 10,539,504 | 121.80 |
260522 | Confirmed | jhn306 | 02/08 13:12:21 | 133.92 | 12,500.00 | 8,776,790 | 11,762,112 | 15,628,944 | 178.07 |
260469 | Confirmed | appninjas | 02/08 12:28:34 | 129.56 | 12,500.00 | 8,491,095 | 12,063,408 | 5,358,352 | 63.11 |
260444 | Confirmed | braaprd | 02/08 12:12:34 | 131.34 | 12,500.00 | 8,607,220 | 13,333,104 | 12,922,640 | 150.14 |
260397 | Confirmed | slicko711 | 02/08 11:35:19 | 129.32 | 12,500.00 | 8,475,124 | 12,298,000 | 13,342,240 | 157.43 |
260346 | Confirmed | braaprd | 02/08 10:57:02 | 126.17 | 12,500.60 | 8,268,868 | 11,339,664 | 7,537,424 | 91.15 |
260330 | Confirmed | Cr1m5onK1ng | 02/08 10:35:36 | 129.10 | 12,500.00 | 8,460,581 | 11,037,040 | 17,183,712 | 203.10 |
260266 | Confirmed | anonymous | 02/08 09:46:18 | 124.82 | 12,500.01 | 8,180,217 | 9,570,896 | 16,102,992 | 196.85 |
260222 | Confirmed | braaprd | 02/08 09:01:12 | 124.76 | 12,500.00 | 8,176,263 | 9,418,240 | 8,895,632 | 108.80 |
260192 | Confirmed | bjjskiddles | 02/08 08:36:26 | 121.50 | 12,500.00 | 7,962,565 | 9,023,440 | 17,997,264 | 226.02 |
Totals | 169,438,778 | 233,793,888 | 228,094,000 | 134.62 |
Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.